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On AI Ethics Frameworks & Governance in Defense

Posted: January 6th, 2024 | Author: | Filed under: Artificial Intelligence | Tags: , , | Comments Off on On AI Ethics Frameworks & Governance in Defense

Eventually and some months after its presentation at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, I have had the chance of diving into the book “The AI Wave in Defense Innovation. Assessing Military Artificial Intelligence Strategies, Capabilities, and Trajectories.” Edited by Michael Raska and Richard A. Bitzinger and with the contribution from experts in different fields -AI, intelligence, technology governance, defense innovation…-, this volume is an international and interdisciplinary perspective on the adoption and governance of AI in defense and military innovation by major and middle powers. 

From the different chapters, I deem it should be stressed the one titled “AI Ethics and Governance in Defense Innovation. Implementing AI Ethics Framework” by Cansu Canca, owing to the meaningful insights included in it.

For the author, AI use within a military context raises various ethical concerns due to high ethical risks often inherent in these technologies. A comprehensive account of the ethical landscape of AI in the military must also account for the potential ethical benefits. AI ethics within a military context is hence a double-edged sword. To illustrate this dual aspect, Canca lists some ethical pairs of pros and cons:

Precision vs. Aggression 

A major area of AI applications for the military is about increasing precision -the Pentagon-funded Project Maven is probable the best example of this. 

The military benefits of increased precision in surveillance and potentially in targeting are clear. AI may help search and rescue mission, predict and prevent deadly attacks from the opponent, and eliminate or decrease errors in defense. However, these increased capabilities might also boost the confidence of armed forces and make them more aggressive in their offensive and defensive attacks, resulting in more armed conflicts and more casualties. 

Efficiency vs. Lowered Barriers to Conflict 

AI systems that reduce the need for human resources, keep humans safe, and allow human officers to use their expertise are beneficial for the military and military personnel. The other side of the coin is the concern that increasing efficiency and safety for the military will also lower the barriers to entering a conflict: if war is both safe and low cost, what would stand in the way of starting one? 

Those who lack the technology would be deterred from starting a war, whereas those equipped with the technology could become even more eager to escalate a conflict. 

Protecting combatants vs. Neglecting Responsibility and Humanity

Sparing military personnel’s lives and keeping them safe from death and physical and mental harm would be a clear benefit for the military. However, it is never that simple: Can an officer remotely operating a weapon feel the weight of responsibility of “pulling the trigger” as strongly when they are distant from the “other”? Can they view the “other” as possessing humanity, when they are no longer face-to-face with them?

The ethical decision-making of a human is inevitably intertwined with human psychology. How combatants feel about the situation and the other parties necessarily feature in their ethical reasoning. The question is: where, if anywhere, should we draw the line on the spectrum of automation and remote control to ensure that human officers still engage in ethical decision-making, acknowledging the weight of their decisions and responsibility as they operate and collaborate with AI tools?

Military use of AI is not good or bad; it is a mixed bag. For that reason, more than ever it is needed the creation and implementation of frameworks for the ethical design, development, and deployment of AI systems.

AI Ethics Framework

AI ethics has increasingly been a core area of concern across sectors, particularly since 2017, when technology-related scandals slowly started to catch the public’s attention. AI ethics is concerned with the whole AI development and deployment cycle. This includes research, development, design, deployment, use, and even the updating stages of the AI life cycle. 

Each stage presents its unique ethical questions, being some of them: 

  1. Does the dataset represente the world and, if not, who is left out?
  2. Does the algorithm prioritize a value explicitly or implicitly? And if it does, is this justified? 
  3. Does the dashboard provide information for a user to understand the core variables of an AI decision-aid tool?
  4. Did research subjects consent to have their data used? 
  5. Do professional such as military officers, managers, physicians, and administrators understand the limitation of the AI tools they are handed?
  6. As users engage with AI tools in their professional or personal daily lives, do they agree to have their data collected and used, and do they understand its risks?

What makes ethical issues AI-specific are the extremely short gap between R&D and practice, the wide-scale and systematic use of AI systems, the increased capabilities of AI systems, and the façade of computational objectivity. Concerning the latter, this point is extremely dangerous because it allows users -such as judges and officers- to put aside their critical approach and prevents them from questioning the system’s results. Inadvertently the AI system leads them to make ethical errors and do so systematically due to their over-reliance on the AI tool.

The ethical questions and issues that AI raises cannot be addressed through this traditional ethics compliance and oversight model. Neither can they be solved solely through regulation. Instead, and according to the author, we need a comprehensive AI ethics framework to address all aspects of AI innovation and use in organizations. A proper AI ethics strategy consists of the playbook component, which includes all ethical guiding materials such as ethics principles, use cases, and tools; the process component, which includes ethics analysis and ethics-by-design components, and structures how and when to integrate these and other ethics components into the organizational operations; and the people component, which structures a network of different ethics roles within the organization. 

AI Ethics Playbook

The AI ethics playbook forms the backbone of the AI ethics strategy, consisting of all guidelines and tools to aid ethical decision-making at all levels; i.e., fundamental principles to create a solid basis, accesible and user-friendly tools that help apply these principles, and use cases that demonstrate how to use these tools and bring the principles into action. The AI ethics playbook should be a living document. 

As an example, these are the AI ethics principles recommended by the US Department of Defense in 2019:

  • Responsibility: DoD personnel will exercise appropriate levels of judgement and care concerning the development, deployment, and use of AI capabilities.
  • Equitability: The DoD will take the required steps to minimize unintended bias in AI capabilities. 
  • Traceability: DoD relevant personnel must possess an appropriate understanding of the technology, development processes, and operational methods applicable to AI capabilities. 
  • Reliability: the safety, security, and effectiveness of AI capabilities will be subject to testing and assurance.
  • Governability: DoD will design AI capabilities to fulfill their intended functions while processing the ability to detect and avoid unintended consequences, and the ability to disengage or deactivate deployed systems that demonstrate unintended behavior. 

AI Ethics Process

AI playbook is inconsequential if there is no process to integrate it into the organization’s operations. Therefore an essential part of an AI ethics strategy is figuring out how to add the playbook into the organization’s various operations seamlessly. The objective of the AI ethics process is to create systematic procedures for ethics decisions which include: structuring the workflow to add “ethics checkpoints”; ethics analysis and ethics-by-design sessions; documenting ethics decisions and adding them into the playbook as use cases; and finally ensuring a feedback loop between new decisions and the updating of the playbook when needed. 

AI Ethics People

A network of people who carry different roles concerning ethics should be embedded into every layer of the organization. It should be clear from the tasks at hand that the ethics team’s work is distinct from the legal team. Whilst there should be close collaboration between legal and ethics experts, the focus of legal experts and their skills and tools differ significantly from those of ethics experts. 

And last but not least, from Canca’s standpoint, an ethics framework without an accountability mechanism would be limited to individuals’ motivation to “do good” rather than functioning as a reliable and strategic organizational tool. To that end, an AI ethics framework should be supported by AI regulations. AI regulations would function as an external enforcing mechanism to define the boundaries of legally acceptable action and to establish a fair playing field for competition. Regulations should also function to support the AI ethics framework by requiring basic components of this framework to be implemented such as an audit mechanism for the safety, reliability, and fairness of AI systems. Having such a regulatory framework for AI ethics governance would also help create citizen trust. 

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